
20 Minutes Work Out For Fit And Healthy

If you are busy, not getting up too early in the morning or have no time for gym just follow the house 20 minutes of work to stay healthy and fit.

1) Jog: in one place for 3 minutes

2) a series of jumps: 25 repetitions
After landing, bend your knees slightly to reduce the impact on the knees too.

3) The crisis: 15 employees
Lying on your back, knees bent. Hands behind your head with elbows pointing outwards. Support your neck with your hands. Keep the neck straight with your back. Flex life raising your upper body off the mat. Scroll down on the back of the shoulders touching the mat.
Muscles worked: rectus abdominis

4) Hip Bridges: 10 repeats
Lying on your back. With hands at an angle of 90 degrees on the floor, lift the body on the floor in a straight line, bridge, shoulder, the shape of the knee. The situation should be similar to a table ... Hands and legs as table legs and upper body until your knees as the surface. Hold for two seconds. Tighten the buttocks (gluteus), then grow.
Muscles worked: lower back, thighs and buttocks.

5) Phase - UP: 1 minute
You need step by step for this.
Muscles worked: Legs, buttocks, Quarda.

6) Investing abs: 15 reps
Lying on your back with hands on hips. Keep the knees bent. Bring your knees towards your head until even a little ground. Hold for a second and then lower your knees.
Muscle worked: lower and oblique ABS.

7) Mountain climbers: 1 minute
Put your hands and knees and raise your knees like a starting block for a runner. Run in this position you will support the upper body with the palms. Keep your back straight.
Muscles worked: triceps, deltoids, glutes, Quarda, thighs and calves.

8) Push - UPS: 15 reps
Muscles worked: triceps, deltoids, pectorals.

9) the axis Squat: 1 minute
Remain standing. Now fall into a Crouch. Immediately thrust your legs just behind the toes to climb up the situation, now jump onto the legs to pull the chest, squatting, then standing,
Muscle worked: arms, legs, chest and back.

Cool walking until the heart rate begins to normal, stretch.

One minute of rest between the exercise price is required. Correct form is important. Hold your breath. Drinking water during exercise. This exercise is the body, improves cardiovascular efficiency and strengthens the body and tones.


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