
Easy Acne Free Treatment

Acne is most common in adolescents and young adults. Nobody is really sure what causes acne, or because you know that you are in adolescence. Although scientists do not know what the cause, but genetics at the top of the list of possible factors. Inheritance was considered a big part of those who suffer from acne, considered. If someone in your family has or had acne, it is more likely to develop it.

Acne can from easy to very hard. It is usually develops when the ducts of the sebaceous glands of the skin and start overtime. The lining of the canal, in fact, to eliminate cells that are then excreted in the outer layer of skin. He took the skin and clogs the oil is trapped under. This plug the pore is called blackhead. If the plug is placed under the skin as Whitehead or closed comedones. But then, when the connector is created and can be pushed up the pores of the skin, by what is known as open comedones or blackheads. It's called Black-headed up there, which looks dark, but not the dirt that is trapped in your skin, and can not be easily influenced.

It is important that you do not limit or control acne in their lives. Here are some tips for treating acne are easy and free.

One of the most rejected for acne is water. Something as simple as drinking enough water daily is very effective in getting rid of acne. It seems that because the water has a pH of 7.3 is alkaline, and as a natural treatment of acne, to be free. Drink at least eight water per day helps get rid of the body, oil and toxins that can damage the skin. The water also helps the skin maintain moisture and clog pores. To reduce water stress and also relax the body, leading to better sleep. In addition to drinking more water, try to reduce the consumption of coffee, soft drinks, tea and alcohol. These types of drinks are diuretics that taking more water from the cells, then

While astringents reduce pores and reduce acne over a short period, poor health of the skin for so long. For one thing, the skin dry, so that the cells that make more oil, the cause may cause acne outbreaks. Moreover, when the pores shrink oil is down there, clogging the pores.

Another thing to avoid is difficult. Stimulants such as coffee, tea, should cigarettes, sweets and sugar, and sodium bicarbonate as healthy for the body. These stimuli affect the nervous system and brain, and can begin to stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil than normal. Again, this can lead to strains that bad for the skin.

Watch what you eat is a good way to reduce acne. Your diet affects acne to see so what you eat. Try to stay away from fatty foods or foods that tend to be large. They believe that foods containing little fat, and everything will be alright.

Alcohol is considered one of the best ways to alleviate, to stress, alcohol is also an important factor in acne. It is astringent and tightens the pores. In addition, alcohol inhibits sleep and can cause stress. You need a rest and a stress-free lifestyle for a healthy skin.
Rub the skin with soap abrasives should be avoided. Irritate the skin and cause harm to the natural barrier between you and the bacteria, the acne.

Of course, the sun will kill most bacteria, but also damages the skin. The skin is very fragile and easily damaged. The sun acts as an astringent and tightens the clogging of the pores of the skin. It dries the skin, and there are spots, freckles and skin cancer. They should be spending 15 minutes in the sun during the day.

There are many medicines and cream that are used in order to combat acne. But so far, keep a healthy lifestyle is the easiest way to do this. It is important to say that leading a healthy life, not only healthier skin, but also a healthy body. Changing habits is hard at first, but eventually you will be a better general health and more energy, clearer, healthier skin.


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