
Coffee Good Or Bad For You

Many sober law, order, people would never occur to consume knowingly ingesting a mind to change medicine, in fact, a daily caffeine!

Caffeine is so pervasive in our culture and in many other cultures that we often forget that a drug that the brain is affected. The caffeine in coffee, tea, cola and many other drugs.

The most common that most of us take caffeine as coffee. And some of us the number of cups of coffee per day.

If you're one of those people who drink lots of coffee a day, you're probably wondering what all that coffee for you. Coffee is very bad for you, or consumption of coffee is just a harmless vice? May it is possible that coffee is really good for us?

Coffee Research shows mixed results. Some studies have shown that coffee consumption increases the rate of heart attacks, while other studies have shown that drinking a lot of coffee reduces the risk of diabetes.

There are nutritional advisers who claim that coffee makes us age faster, perform our adrenal glands, and cause all sorts of untold damage to our cells.

Other researchers claim that coffee, especially when it is freshly roasted and ground, is full of antioxidants and good for us. Most doctors say that drinking two cups of coffee or a day probably not harmful. And of course there are others who say that we should avoid caffeine.

The only thing that most researchers and most coffee drinkers agree, is that coffee can contact us awake at night and cause insomnia keep if you drink it later.

But many of us drink coffee, because we want to promote the activity of cells in our brain, especially when we are awake.

Many of us believe that we are not really in the morning until we had our first cup of coffee. They often follow a coffee during the day when our energy and to mark our brain seem to need more help to think clearly appears.

The caffeine really enhance mental performance, or is it just a myth? Yes, caffeine is a temporary increase in brain cells. However, the amount needed to improve mental performance, not very high. Not even a cup of coffee is enough to give your brain a boost that lasts several hours.

Interestingly, the more caffeine is not necessarily better. In a study where managers were given the equivalent of fourteen cups of coffee per day, quickly made their decisions, but decisions are not very good.

Not everyone reacts to caffeine in the same way. Some people have mental clarity, alertness and productivity after a cup of coffee. Other people nervous, anxious or depressed when to drink coffee. Although caffeine will keep most of us when he wakes in the night, have no such effect.

For some seniors may be enough to improve coffee or tea with memory and attention in order to offset the effects of aging.

It is true that caffeine and a slight addiction for most people. Some people can get away with it no withdrawal symptoms of caffeine, while others feel headache, fatigue, experience and aspirations of caffeine for a week.

Caffeine works by blocking one of the neurotransmitters - adenosine often say to reassure that the brain cells. Brain cells, caffeine to stay enthusiastic and was impaired on alert for several hours.

The most obvious drawback is that caffeine can disrupt sleep. For most people drink coffee, tea or cola in the afternoon or evening cause insomnia.

If you are mainly affected by caffeine, you will notice that the quantity and quality of sleep is significantly reduced. This may trigger a vicious circle in which you try very tired all day after drinking more coffee just to stay awake.

If this occurs, reduce the amount of coffee consumed each day. You may experience withdrawal symptoms if not decompose. Maybe you want to replace some of their cups of green tea for coffee. Green tea has some caffeine, coffee, but not enough.

Even better would be to consider the exercise of the agency, some of these coffee mugs. If you do not finish their work, regularly, at least from the chair.

Many stretches a little and jump up a few times. Take a deep breath. A little exercise break can revitalize your brain without the nervous system of caffeine.

Note that your brain does not really benefit from more than one or two cups of coffee per day.


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